Digital Signatures and Certificates
Principle of Certificate Functioning
Personal Digital Certificates
Registration Procedure
Registration and Keys Saving Peculiarities
Use of Personal Certificates

WebMoney Certificates Help

WebMoney Light Personal Certificates Use

It is advisable to install personal digital certificates in the “Strong private key protection” mode, which can be enabled in your IE Options by checking off “Enable strong private key protection”. For security's sake, you should not install your personal certificate on your computer in the export mode.

The strong private key protection will open a dialogue box asking for your permission to use your private key at the begging of each session. If other people have access to your computer, you should use a higher level of security (password-protected).

Note that you should delete your personal certificate from the IE certificate store at the end of the session. Otherwise, any one who’ll get access to your computer will be able to use or copy your personal certificate and then, get access to your funds. The strong password protection is the best way to protect your funds. The simplest way to install your personal certificate in the certificate store is from a PFX file because PFX files can be processed by a rundll32.exe cryptext.dll,CryptExtAddPFX %1 command.